Question Your Own Narrative

Life is a constant flux of problem solving. Problems come in many forms affecting all  areas of our life and sometimes we can feel like we are getting buried under too many problems. At times like this, we can feel discouraged, depressed, anxious, out of control, lost, alone, etc. We may want to give up. If I can offer some support or advice it would be to start with a question. 

Asking questions can be the key to making that needed shift in life. Whether we are stuck in a rut, a creative lull, or in anxiety of the unknown, formulating the right questions initiates the universal energy around us to respond. 

At our low points we can usually benefit from guidance because our own mind is unable to clearly think due to overwhelming emotion, stress induced brain fog, or overactive mental anxiety. Sometimes health conditions prevent us from even being able to sit in meditation to quiet the mind. Life’s challenges humble us. 

In this place of humility, sincerity reigns. The energies of humility and sincerity are pure and resonate with the divine energies of higher consciousness within the greater universe. It is an excellent platform for asking your questions and receiving the answers you need to shift to a lighter experience. You can ask your question internally in prayer and aloud. I recommend both.

What to ask is for you to decide; however, here are some ideas to consider. Your question should be as clear and specific as you can make it in order to receive a more clear and specific response. If you need validation that you are on the right path you could ask for a specific sign. You can ask to be guided to the best resource for or person to help with your problem.  The future is not set in stone; we are free will beings, so it is best to stay present-minded with your question. Another consideration is to recognize the difference between asking for something material like a house, a car, money, etc, versus asking a question such as, “What do I need to know about healing my physical ailment?”.

You may wonder whom are you even asking this question to? (That’s a great question in itself!) You can direct your question according to your own beliefs. If you are a follower of Jesus, He may be the one you would most likely want to ask. If you want to work with your angels and/or spirit guides, directly call upon them. Maybe you have a strong connection with a loved one who has passed; they could  be another source of support for you. It is my belief that within the universe there are all kinds of entities; some to support and guide while others have negative influence upon us. For that reason it is important to call specifically and directly upon the beings of love and light whom are with us for our best and highest good. 

Once we have asked our question, then what? Remain patient, open and alert for answers to come! Time as we experience it here in the material world is not the same in the higher dimensional planes where our angels and guides are. Also consider the fact that we may need to experience certain things, learn certain realizations before the time is right for receiving the answers we desire. Especially if it feels like too much time is passing, it is important not to give up on expecting answers or to think our question was not received. Continue to remain humble and sincere, and open to receiving answers. You could also reflect upon your question and try reframing it, clarifying it or possibly broadening it. Be honest with yourself about whether the question is rooted in ego or humility. 

Answers will come in such a myriad possibility of ways! For this reason we need to also remain alert and observant. Answers could come through a stranger we sit next to on the bus, a book left in the doctor’s waiting room, a song on the radio, a dream, a line in a movie that sticks out in your mind. The possibilities are truly endless! 

Another piece of advice is not to doubt your own intuition. If there is a small voice inside your head suggesting you make some kind of change or to act upon something, follow your inner guidance or gut feeling nudging you. Trust yourself when you do notice synchronicity or coincidence, that it is the sign or answer you were waiting for. Often times we doubt whether a sign is actually a sign and dismiss it as a coincidence instead. This can lead us back into the cycle of uncertainty and confusion. If you feel something might be the sign or answer you need, it probably is. And even if it’s not, your Divine guide is always working to point you to the best path for self realization.

The Supreme Creator is omnipresent, is within every living entity, and every atom! There is nothing outside of Their control, there is no limit to possibility or love for you and your potential. Trust in the Divine will for you and trust in the process of your own growth and experience. It is often said that our angels and spirit guides will not intervene in our life unless it is an emergency life saving situation or unless we ask for them to help. This notion is what compels me to take that action step, and I do it without guilt or any sense of imposition. I understand that it is their duty and service to guide and protect me, and that they are not too busy doing other things they prefer (remember, time and matter are not the same in their dimension!).

Questions can be the key to the crucible. See your challenge with a new sense of curiosity; formulate the questions necessary to guide you towards growth, healing and resolution. Ask humbly and sincerely. Be open to the answers in all forms of inspiration. Practice becoming a sensitive receptor and trust yourself. Soon I hope you, too, will be in the flow dance of reciprocity with your guides and the Divine.

If you are interested in working with me to help you gain insight, clarity, and healing in your life, contact me at the link below. I’d love to assist your journey!

Indulekha Elizabeth Reeves

Psychic and Spiritual Healer, Indy lives on the island of Kauai.


Insight Into Indecision


On Being Brave